We are CLM Corredor Logístico Multimodal

SINCE 2007
CLM is represented indistinctly by Engineer Julio César Coppola Alonso and Jorge Cárcova Munilla, who are the two main partners of the Company, and who act respectively as President and Vice President. Both have a vast professional career linked to the essential and regulatory aspects of their new project.
The new LA PALOMA HUB port will be an energy- and socially sustainable port, through the balance between three main dimensions: energy security, social equity and mitigation of environmental impact, with rigorous controls and standards in the operation of ships

- We work for our clients, port operators, logistic companies and associated construction companies.
- We work to be very transparent.
- We favor autonomy and responsibility.
- We lean towards long-term impact.

Our H.E.A.R.T model (Humble, Empathetic, Adaptable, Remarkable, Transparent, for its acronym in English), is a system that encourages making decisions based on these values to create valuable ties, as well as a positive impact, both with the internal community and with its clients; and it has been an important axis for the growth of the company, respecting diversity, inclusion and belonging.

- Organize our information by offering it in an accessible and useful way.
- Make a difference.
- Design and develop projects adapting to innovation, both in terms of communication and information technologies, and implementing solutions to environmental problems.
- Offering our clients the following as essential elements: distinguishable products and services in order to help them achieve their aspirations through participatory, efficient, effective and research-based experiences.
- Question the hypotheses. Think deeply about the design in all its parts. Integrity. As we work to achieve this goal, we focus on building for the future, stimulating sustained strong growth and creating new businesses that will drive long-term success.
- Give the customer the best service and variety, quality and value of products.
- Improve the lives of our customers, employees and community, and inspire others to do so, too.
- Bring our associates closer every day, generating peace of mind and trust through our transparency and professionalism.
Our Team
Antonio Marinetto Calvo-Flores
Chief Executive Officer
See Resume
Horacio Odizzio
Accounting Departament
See Resume
Rubén Osvaldo Luchinsky
See Resume
Miguel Erdozain
Fluvial, Maritime and Logistic Operations Department
See Resume
Gustavo Marcelo Di Paola
Economic Departament
See Resume
Carlos María Serrentino
Environmental Studies Department
See Resume
Manuel Echánove
Renewable Energies Department
See Resume
Nora Adriana Rossjansky
Legal Advisers Department
See Resume
Matías Federico Luchinsky
Legal Advisers Department
See Resume
Claudio Coppola
Concessions Department
See Resume
Federico Garcia
Financial Coordination Department and Country Manager
See Resume